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In The Spotlight - AtkinsRéalis

全球最大的博彩平台数字,我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Alex Graham, Consultant, and Kelly Burdall, Digital Futures Lead, at AtkinsRéalis - a leading design, engineering and project management consultancy.

What does your organisation do?

阿特金公司是世界领先的设计、工程和项目管理机构. 我们将人、数据和技术连接起来,以改变世界的基础设施和能源系统. Together, with our industry partners and clients, and our global team of consultants, designers, engineers and project managers, we can change the world. 

我们 将我们的网络弹性专业知识提供给关键的国家基础设施, government,  national security and defence sectors. 我们是英国安全和情报部门最大的客户端咨询供应商,并被认可为英国政府网络安全供应商计划. 

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry? 

确保网络安全被认为是科技行业的核心,以适当地防范网络攻击,这是该行业面临的一个巨大问题. It’s no longer a question of if, but when a cyber security breach will occur. 

整个社会和行业的快速技术进步和数字化意味着我们看到保护资产的需求越来越大. This could include critical  national infrastructure, a new piece of technology, or our own personal data. As consultants,  we help clients understand cyber security risks, how to mitigate them, and how to promote  cyber resilience in the design stages. Secure by design is a key principle, placing design  security at the forefront in a project from inception, 或者确保评估和解决现有基础设施中的漏洞. 这一点越来越重要,因为科技行业必须确保其符合安全标准,并适当地保护数据和资产.  

Beyond the risks, the digital, 由于创新技术和进步提供了新的挑战和机遇,网络和技术空间是一个令人兴奋的行业,  from the Internet of Things (IoT) to artificial intelligence. Despite this, the cyber skills  shortage is predicted to reach more than 3 million by next year, 证明需要做更多的工作来促进和保护这样一个有趣和重要的部门. 

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement? 

Projects like M25, 希思罗机场和欣克利角C是英国的关键基础设施项目,在英国的整个资产生命周期中,对于管理和维护英国基础设施的关键部分是不可或缺的. 我们在数字化方面取得的成就令人印象深刻的全球项目之一是贝恩NOR项目,阿特金斯正在帮助交付挪威目前最大的数字化项目之一:挪威铁路网的完全重新信号. 

最大的成就始终是组织内的人员以及他们在所有部门和社区中发挥作用的专业知识和热情. 一个关键的例子是零净工程和减碳经济学的工作,它对所有人都产生了真正的影响. Decarbonomics是SNC-Lavalin推出的一个新平台,旨在通过数据驱动的方法使建筑环境脱碳. 这个新平台结合了人员和数据的重要性,以帮助建筑行业, which is responsible for 40%  of global carbon emissions, to achieve Net-Zero. Technology including digital twins, 人工智能和机器学习都被用来确定实现净零的最具成本效益的途径. 

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge? 

Resourcing is arguably the largest challenge we face. Technology is advancing at an incredible and unprecedented rate. 人员和他们的技能是部署和利用技术使我们能够创造更好环境的关键因素. The skills shortage  in engineering and the application of the technology, alongside those in cyber security  previously mentioned, could therefore become a stumbling block in this area. 

This resourcing problem is exacerbated in more traditional industries, such as civil  engineering, which aren’t typically associated with technology-based roles. Recruitment in technological roles is a challenge: for example, 软件工程师和数据科学家是否正在关注我们的行业,寻找下一个职业挑战? 

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector? 

Manchester is already the fastest growing tech city in Europe, 分别拥有50多亿英镑和5亿英镑的数字和网络经济(大全球最大的博彩平台网络生态系统- GMCA). Continued investment is ongoing and a community of over 10,000 digital and tech  businesses has been built. It has been coined the “digital innovation hub” of the North,  当国家网络战略发布时,西北部也被宣布为“英国的网络中心”. This is further supported by the government’s Levelling Up agenda,  which looks to spread opportunity more equally across the UK, with a focus on redistribution towards the North West. Manchester is therefore well-positioned, 许多将情报部门与中央政府联合起来的举措正在进行中, academia, and industry to combine their cyber security capabilities and inform strategy. 这种向面向公众的合作伙伴关系的转变是由全球最大的博彩平台首创的,并受到世界正在以前所未有的速度变化的推动. Therefore, a collaborative approach will be key to keep  pace and tackle new complexity, challenges, and uncertainty by developing innovative solutions. This sets Manchester up for a bright and exciting future in the tech space.  

全球最大的博彩平台强大的公民使命也意味着权力下放和数字化转型将用于整体改善和整个社会的利益. 这包括在日益数字化的世界中促进包容性公共服务. 这也有助于培养下一代,并为许多希望提供更容易进入其行业的组织提供平等的机会, e.g., providing mentoring  opportunities or skills training. Overall, this is leading to inclusive environments and diversity of thought, cultivating diverse and bright talent, 希望引领科技行业更好地应对未来的挑战. 

Tell us something that we might not know about your company? 


The Great Crested Newt is a protected species that is often found in ponds, woodland or on grassland – and on railway construction sites. 因此,检测这些蝾螈的存在对于确保保护这些动物的各种法律得到遵守非常重要. 

To make that detection easier, 网络铁路团队和阿特金斯公司使用创新的方法和两名新员工! 洛奇和阿尼是世界上第一个科学证明的大冠毛蝾螈探测犬. 这些狗是在阿特金斯的研究和试验之后接受训练的, Wagtail UK and Natural England. As well as improving cost and time  efficiencies, Rocky和Arnie可以比现场工作人员更快地覆盖大片区域,更准确地发现蝾螈. 

Rocky and Arnie

Thank you Alex and Kelly!

To find out more about AtkinsRéalis, click here.

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