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The North West ‘Cyber Corridor’

What the growth of the North West means for the Cyber community

在科技和数字领域,西北地区正在不断发展壮大. This is true especially for the world of Cyber security. The need for enhanced Cyber security is now engrained in our day to day lives, from protection against a simple scam to massive company data breaches. On a national level the way that wars are fought and won is changing, they are less in the physical world and more in cyber space.

这个简短的博客旨在提供有关政府在国家层面的网络安全优先事项的信息, 国家网络部队的建立是如何直接支持这一战略的,又是如何在西北地区建立网络生态系统的.

The National Cyber Strategy 2022

In 2022 the UK Government released their National Cyber Strategy, 强调在国家层面加强网络安全的重要性,并将英国建立为一个负责任和民主的网络大国.

To do this the strategy is built around five core pillars:

• Strengthening the UK cyber ecosystem, investing in our people and skills and deepening the partnership between government, academia and industry
• Building a resilient and prosperous digital UK, 降低网络风险,使企业能够最大限度地发挥数字技术的经济效益,使公民在网上安全,并相信他们的数据受到保护
• Taking the lead in the technologies vital to cyber power, 建立我们的工业能力和发展框架,以确保未来的技术
• Advancing UK global leadership and influence for a more secure, prosperous and open international order, 与政府和行业伙伴合作,分享支撑英国网络力量的专业知识
•检测, 扰乱和威慑我们的对手,通过网络空间加强英国的安全, making more integrated, creative and routine use of the UK’s full spectrum of levers

This strategy is representative of how the UK will defence itself in Cyber space, 它将如何提振科技行业,从而提振经济,但最重要的是,它将如何被其他国家看待. 英国政府致力于网络防御的最大例子是建立国家网络部队.

The National Cyber Force

In November 2020 the National Cyber Force (NCF) was announced – a partnership between intelligence and defence. A joint venture of GCHQ, the Ministry of Defence (MoD), 秘密情报局(SIS)和国防科学技术实验室(DSTL).

The aim of the NCF is simple, to protect the UK. It will do this in 3 ways;

• Countering threats from terrorists, 犯罪分子和国家利用互联网进行跨境活动,以伤害英国和其他民主社会.
• Countering threats which disrupt the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and services in cyberspace (i.e. supporting cybersecurity).

NCF Headquarters are based in Samlesbury, 兰开夏郡, cementing the North West region as the Cyber hub of the UK. With plans to hold 3000 employees it is both an economic and skills boost. 在一个n area of excellent technical academia and creative minds, 它不仅将提供可选择的职业机会,还将为英国政府/情报部门带来新的、令人兴奋的多元化劳动力,这只会带来进一步的好处.

NCF的目的和目标可以直接与国家网络战略相关. 是的, 它将成为网络防御的情报中心,但更重要的是,它与中小企业和学术界的合作性质将意味着前瞻性思维技术和技能培养的巨大进步. 向西北地区的迁移使充满活力的数字经济成为人们关注的焦点,一个令人兴奋的生态系统正在开始出现.

The Cyber Corridor

“网络走廊”这个名字很贴切,它比全球最大的博彩平台和兰开夏郡之间的这段距离要大得多, it also includes Liverpool, Cumbria and Cheshire and Warrington.

在一个 report from Lancaster University it is estimated that the North West region has 300 cyber security companies. 这是一个由大型供应商、中小企业和咨询公司组成的广泛网络,为所有行业提供支持. 为了支持NCF的合资企业,许多大型“prime”也在该地区建立了业务,这些业务通常位于伦敦和西南地区.

Their findings on economic potential shows extraordinary growth of up to £2.为西北地区经济每年创造70亿英镑的总增加值,并可累计产生22英镑.4bn in GVA for the North West between 2022 – 2035.

而西北地区有一个优秀的高等教育存在,提供网络和IT为基础的课程, the skills gap is something that still needs to be addressed. 教育和意识是为子孙后代而进行的,但这种直接的增长动力取决于那些已经在该行业工作的人. Additionally to that, for the Defence, 政府和国家安全部门,由于安全许可和在该地区的存在,可用的熟练人才进一步减少. 这个经验丰富的社区的很大一部分在西南和伦敦地区,这些地区的工作历史上一直存在,所以必须有一个激励那些人移动, which can be costly, or a thought to how we can revolutionise the process for local talent.

How do I get involved?

Get involved in the community! 如果你正在阅读这篇文章,那么你已经在你的路上了,但是在网络中积极的贡献会带来巨大的好处.

Membership for the North West Cyber Security Cluster is free to anyone based in the North West with an interest in cybersecurity. 通过 UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration(UKC3) there are similar clusters for other UK regions.

NWCSC在整个地区定期举办网络研讨会和面对面的活动,以获得知识并与同龄人建立联系. Their next event will be on 28th June in Salmesbury looking at ‘The Fight Against Cyber Threats’.

这是一个快速发展的行业,因此我敦促您了解市场的变化,并与该领域的专家合作, it’s important to keep a keen eye on the action and access to opportunity. 桑德森Government and Defence 很荣幸能与多个网络机构合作,并直接支持NCF和更广泛的网络.


Managing Consultant, North West


戴文·杨是我们西北地区安全检查项目的管理顾问. 她也是我们网络走廊内组织的区域负责人,包括NCF, a joint National Security and Defence venture to grow the UK Cyber capability.


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